About Me
Greetihngs! I'm Gail - a New York born California raised Texan. I married my high school sweetheart, had some kids, and shared all the things. After 30 years of marriage, and with an empty nest in sight, Rod was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Seven months later, on November 22, 2013, he passed away, leaving me lost and without direction. After going back to school for a while, then having an online shop for a while, I had a dream that prompted me to write about my life as a widow.
I want to change the perception of widowhood, to shed the stereotype that is associated with this life station. We are not all white-haired grandmas sitting on the porch watching life go by. We have kids in school and careers; we are women of color, women who’ve lost our husband, our wife, our fiance - our person. But the loss of our person is just the beginning of a string of secondary losses. Some of these losses are apparent right from the start, but we might not realize others until they appear before us - seemingly out of nowhere - weeks, months, even years after the loss of our person. I share my experiences in the hopes of encouraging others who share in these losses, who feel stuck or who just feel like they are going crazy. Others who are ready for a different kind of existence in this world, who just need permission to try. We are far more resilient than we know. |