When God didn't behave as I believed He would after Rod died, I began my search to find out who He really is. This put me in a place of openness, willing to see familiar Bible passages and stories through a different lens. It also opened me up to exploring other spiritual belief systems as well as different philosophies and modes of existence in this world.
Having a broader context allowed me to explore the possibility that those familiar passages might hold a different meaning looking at them through a different lens. Might they provide a different application to my life - right here, right now. It was like I turned a kaleidoscope; it was all the same pieces, but they were interacting differently, allowing me to see familiar things in new ways. This does not negate how I might have understood it before; it expands it. God's word is living. But in my past lived experience, passages and stories held one truth for all people for all time. It wasn't until this time in my life that I am able to experience the living Word of God. On this page I will share how those stories and old beliefs land differently on me now, and how a different understanding might be impacting my life.
AuthorRethinking everything. ArchivesCategories |